The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in 2016 with the aim of importing high quality technical education in the area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with an intake of 60. The pure expertise and dedication of the faculty members along with infrastructural facilities coupled with perseverance of the students have catapulted the branch to the top league.
The primitive motto of the department is to build the talent for the future to meet limitless opportunities. The department also wants to bridge the gap between academia and industry. In association with Leading Industries we offer Technical training and hands on experience in emerging technologies. Academic performance is not lesser to meet competition. Our products are well received by the industry and are represented in all top companies in India and also in foreign universities. We believe that the department has with its experienced and committed faculty, the capacity and the ability to emerge as significant player in the global competition. Continuing this tradition we are committed to constantly forge ahead to greater heights to make India a Super Power in the knowledge era.