Department Laboratories
1. Electrical Machines Lab
To expose the students to the operation of D.C and A.C machines and transformers and give them experimental skill.
2. Power Electronics Laboratory
To provide hands on experience with power electronic converter design and testing.
3. Electronics Laboratory
To enable the students to understand the behavior of semiconductor device based on experimentation.
4. Control and Instrumentation Laboratory
To provide knowledge on analysis and design of control system along with basics of instrumentation.
5. Power System Simulation laboratory
To provide better understanding of power system analysis through digital simulation.
6. Linear integrated circuits Laboratory
Working Practice in simulators / CAD Tools / Experiment test bench to learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behaviour with digital and analog ICs.
7. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
To provide training on programming of microprocessors and microcontrollers and understand the interface requirements.